Displayed below (will take a minute to load) are pictures and details of veterinary assisted case studies of pets with specific health challenges and how they overcame them.
If you would like to add a case study please contact us and we will work with you and your vet.
How to use the filter to sort through case studies:
- Click on the filter and select at least one filter criteria (checkbox).
- Selections within a category: Additional selections within a category will increase the number of results listed by showing case studies that contain at least one of those selection criteria (checkboxes). For example: Age contains many choices. Checking “1 to 2 years old” and “5 to 7 years old” will return case studies with patients that are 1 to 2 years old and that are 5 to 7 years old.
- Selections from two or more categories: Adding another selection (checkbox) from a different category will decrease results listed. To continue with the previous example try adding the checkbox for Species: “guinea pig”. It will then remove the other species and only show guinea pigs that are either 1 to 2 years old or 5 to 7 years old.